Saturday, December 20, 2008

New Job

So for those who dont know yet I got my new job in St. Petersburg. I am teaching young threes and the night supervisor. I started on Wednesday and by Friday got to meet all my new parents at our holiday party. I am very excited! As with many new things I have some class to take and get into the swing of how Florida does things.

I am very excited also for Christmas and the new year. This year has been something and I am sure ready to start the new year off in the right direction. I am so thankful for the many answered blessing God has put before me in the last couple weeks. I hope for these blessings and opportunities to continue in the new year.
On Thursday Evanle got to do her first school play. She was a Hawaiian hula dancer. They did Christmas around the world and it was so adorable. Of course in true Evanle style she was a stage star and didnt even look nervous. They worked hard all week to learn their lines and learn about the different ways around the world they celebrate Christmas. Evanle's good friend Corie was the narrator and also did wonderful with all the lines she had. Here she is before the show posing for me.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Miss the Seasons and other fun facts

Ok dont get me wrong I so enjoy Florida weather but I am so lost due to it. Everyday I have to remind myself it really is December already. Mind you this is hard when my body is feeling 85 degrees. There really is no seasonal changes here to indicate what the season is. I am very christmasey but I have found it hard to be this way with the weather. Palm trees look cute with lights but doesnt say christmas to me.

Evanle got to see santa last weekend. She was really excited until she got up there. He had bad teeth and bad breathe. We were at the International Mall which in this area is the pricey mall with gucci stores and places like that. The guy looked like he just came from the street no joke. I felt they could of done a better job in this area but hey everybody needs a job I guess.

On a sad note I recently was laid off from my nanny job. They could not afford to keep me on any more with things going how they are. I go monday for my second interview with BayFront Medical Daycare in St. Pete. Hopefully Ill be back to what I do know best. The position would have me teaching young 3 year olds. Not my usual age group but hey Im excited.

We have recently found a wonderful church we are now attending. Today we got to enjoy the christmas cantana which was really cute how they did it. Evanle has got the charity and recycling bug lately. I love it but it does have it bad points. Any time someone needs some thing at the school it is mom we need this or so and so needs that. Then I have been doing my own green change slowly and want to do recycling but there are moments I dont feel like picking up plastic bottles off the street as we walk in to the

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Where to Start

Ok so I am new to blogging. I have posted blogs on myspace but thats different to me. We now have lived in florida for four months. Life has been like a roller coaster thats for sure. Finally I think we are adjusted to everything.

I work as a nanny for a eleven month old boy in clearwater monday thru friday 9-5. Its a little bit of a drive but anything was going to be after Ive been used to working a mile up the road from my house for almost four years. Evanle is doing well in school and has adjusted to the florida weather well. She made honor roll this grading period and got a good citizen award for her behavior. I enjoy her school and her teacher.

We still miss our friends back home greatly and cant wait to squeeze in a visit or have them come see us. HINT HINT for anyone wanting to get over the winter blues this winter.

I love my job it is an adjustment for me though. I miss having more then one baby to care for and someone else to talk to during the day. But things are getting better now that I have gym classes and sign language classes to take him to. They are a great family and I really enjoy them. Thanks to my Luke I am like a pro in our signing class. Well thats all for now.