Friday, January 9, 2009

A New Year. A Year Older.

Well it is here the New Year. I still think wow when I write 2009 where did the time go. I spent my new years eve babysitting and working on my computer. Sounds fun doesn't it? Yep and then few days later my hard drive died on me. Luckily I talked my way to dell and they sent me a free hard drive. So now I am back on and running.

My new job is going good. It is defiantly different atmosphere then what I am used to. My curriculum is all planned out for me down to what stuff to discuss for the theme. Every two weeks we have new theme which requires the room to be redecorated. My new parents have been very welcoming and so have my co workers. I am still working on learning all the kids names in the center. There are only about 110 children enrolled. Really I just need to know my late children for when left in charge. My new schedule is nice but taking time to get used to. I don't get home till seven pm and then have to check homework, listen to Evanle read, eat dinner sometime and put her to bed by 8 ish. But hey I always have 40 hours since I cant leave till all the kids leave, so I love that part.

So as of tomorrow I am 27 years old. For some reason this is a hard birthday to me. I guess its cause its so close to 30. Soon I will be what I used to think was old. Or maybe just other factors in my life that make it little hard to grasp. Oh well I have to deal and get over its happening. But for now on I think I will forever be 27, sounds good to me.

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